Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey that delves into the heart and soul of New Zealand? Join our weekly group visits to local destinations, where we aim to bring new immigrants closer to the rich tapestry of New Zealand's culture, history, art, and nature. Experience firsthand the wonders that await you! 您准备好展开一段深入了解新西兰的非凡之旅了吗?加入我们每周的“脚步丈量生活之美”活动,让我们带您走进新西兰丰富多彩的文化、历史、艺术和自然世界。
Since May 2021, we have organized nearly 40 events, showcasing the best of New Zealand to enthusiastic participants like you. Our dedicated team is passionate about creating vibrant and engaging experiences, ensuring that each event leaves a lasting impression. 自2021年5月开始至今,我们已组织了近40次活动,一起体验了众多精彩的瞬间。我们的团队致力于创造充满活力和吸引力的体验,确保每个活动都能留下持久的印象。
Delve into the depths of our history as we visit historical sites that weave tales of the past. Gain insights into the captivating stories that have shaped New Zealand into the nation it is today. Indulge your senses in the artistic treasures of our land, exploring galleries, exhibitions, and creative spaces that showcase the talents of our local artists. 深入挖掘本地历史,参观那些刻着过去故事的历史遗迹。了解那些塑造了新西兰成为如今模样的引人故事。沉浸在我们土地上的艺术珍宝中,参观展览馆、艺术展览和创意空间,领略我们感受本地艺术家的多样表达。
But that's not all! Our journey takes us through the breathtaking landscapes that New Zealand is famous for. Traverse magnificent mountains, wander through lush forests, and breathe in the crisp air of our pristine lakes and rivers. Prepare to be captivated by the raw beauty that surrounds us. 但这还不是全部!我们的旅程将带您穿越新西兰著名的令人惊叹的景观。穿越壮丽的山脉,漫步在郁郁葱葱的森林中,呼吸着我们纯净湖泊和河流的清新空气。准备好被周围的原始美所俘获吧!
Whether you are a new immigrant or a curious explorer, this adventure promises unforgettable experiences and cherished memories. Join our growing community of enthusiasts and let us guide you through an immersive exploration of New Zealand's cultural, historical, artistic, and natural wonders. 无论您是新移民还是好奇的探索者,我们的活动必将带来难忘的体验和珍贵的回忆。加入我们不断壮大的热情群体,让我们带您踏上一场对新西兰文化、历史、艺术和自然奇迹的全方位探索之旅。
Come and be a part of this enriching journey as we celebrate the beauty of New Zealand together. Join us on our next expedition and open your heart and mind to the captivating allure of our beloved land. 快来加入我们的旅程,与我们一起感受新西兰的美丽。加入我们的下一次活动,打开您的心灵和思维,感受我们心爱土地的迷人魅力。