Dear Local Communities, A sincere thank you for your incredible support to our Kids' Flea Market! Starting from 2024, we will organize a Kids' Flea Market once every semester. Market Dates during 2024 will be on: 3rd March, 2nd June, 1st Sept and 3rd Nov. 亲爱的当地社区成员们, 感谢您一直以来对孩子们的跳蚤市场的非凡支持! 从2024年开始,我们将改为每个学期组织一次孩子们的跳蚤市场。 2024年的市场日分别在3月3日、6月9日、9月1日和11月3日。
The next market will take place on Sunday, 3rd November, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at St. Anne's Hall. 下一次跳蚤市场时间为:2024年11月3日周日上午9-12点, 地点不变,仍在St. Anne's Hall。
Please make sure you've read below market rules before you book a stall for your kids 请确认在您为孩子预定摊位前,已经仔细阅读以下市场规则
November market stalls have all booked out 11月份摊位已经全部预订完毕
Book a stall for your kids 您为孩子预定摊位 If there is no date available for selection on the booking page, it means that all stalls for the market day have been fully booked. 如果在显示页面中没有可以选择的日期, 则表示市场开放日当天所有的摊位已经被全部预定完了。