The Kids' Flea Market is an indoor, kid-friendly market that is free of charge for public entry. We have a main stall dedicated to promoting FGTCT and organizing fundraising events for the organization. You are welcome to bring your children along to participate and contribute to our cause. 孩子们的跳蚤市场是一个室内的、对孩子友的市场。对公众免费,我们的市场将有一个主摊位, 用于宣传我们的机构并为我们机构募款组织不同的活动,欢迎您带孩子们一起前来参与并为我们捐助。
Please comply with the following health and safety requirements as set by the market management team: 请您遵守下列市场管理方有关卫生及安全的要求:
1、Stalls are open to children aged 6 years and above. One stall is limited to one family. The applications for stalls and kids' activities in the market must be supervised and accompanied by a parent/guardian who is 18 years old or above. The parent/guardian will be fully responsible for their child's behavior and safety in the market. Additionally, due to venue capacity restrictions, each stall cannot exceed a maximum of 5 people, including at least one adult. 我们的摊位面向6岁及以上儿童开放,一个摊位仅限一个家庭。摊位申请及市场内活动均需由年满18周岁的家长/监护人陪同该儿童进行,家长/监护人对儿童在市场内的行为及安全负全责。因为场地人数限制的要求,每个摊位最多不能超过5人,其中至少有一名成年人。
2、Our indoor venue can accommodate up to 15 market stalls. The stall fee is NZ$15 for each stall. Please transfer the stall fee to our bank account within 2 hours after you make the booking via Calendly system. Your booking will only be confirmed when your stall fee has been shown on our bank account. Please be kindly noted no booking will be reserved if the payment has not been made on time.
The bank account details are as below: Bank Account Name: FGTCT Bank Account Number: 01-0277-0799214-00 (Please put "your name+Market Day" as reference of your payment, for example: LilySept03)
3、Stallholders should arrive by 8:50AM on each open market day and set up their stalls. Tables and chairs are provided on site. Please make sure all tables and chairs will be returned to store room. Please confirm that you will stay until the market ends at 12 p.m. 摊主需于每次市场开放日的8点50分之前到达布置摊位,活动现场有桌子和椅子,请在活动结束时将桌椅归还至原位。请您确认摊位将持续至市场结束的12点。 We will not be able to reserve the stall you have applied for if you are late. Please give us a prior notice if you cannot come to the market due to specific reasons as there are people on the waiting list that we can inform them to come on the market day. Stall registration fees will not be refunded in the event of a stall owner's absence due to personal reasons, but they will be refunded in the event of market cancellation by the organizer 如果您未能准时到达我们将无法保留您通过网站申请的摊位。如您有特殊原因无法参加您所报名的市场日活动,请提前通知我们以便我们将您的预定摊位分配给在等待名单上的申请者。如果市场摊位业主因个人原因缺席,摊位注册费将不予退还,但如果市场由组织者取消,将会退还该费用。
4、Our market encourages children to organize their own second-hand items, understand the value of second-hand items and participate in the sale and exchange of second-hand items; we also welcome handmade items of their own making. 本市场鼓励孩子们自己整理二手物品,理解二手物品的价值并参与到二手物品的售卖及交换活动中;我们也欢迎自己制作的手工物品。
5、Our markets do not accept sale of any new products for retail purposes, food, fresh produce, or anything that could have an adverse effect or be dangerous to children. 我们的市场不接受售卖任何以零售为目的全新产品、食品、生鲜产品,以及任何可能对儿童产生不良影响和危险的物品。
6、No beverages or food should be brought into the market. No pets should be brought into the market. Stall owners should be responsible for cleaning up any garbage generated by their stalls and taking it home. Stall owners shall be responsible for compensating to any damage caused by him/her in the market. 不得携带饮料或食品进入市场,不得携带宠物入场;摊位主有责任维护摊位场地的清洁及安全,市场结束后摊位主需负责清理摊位所产生的垃圾并带回家;摊位主应负责赔偿其在市场内造成的任何损坏;
7、The market management team reserves the right to interpret the rules of the market, and reserves the right to cancel booth of any stall holder who does not comply with the rules at any time. 市场管理方保留对市场规则的解释权,并有权随时取消不遵守规则的摊位主的驻场权利。